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Google as your sign in option

Easily add Google sign in to your app with Scalekit


Scalekit enables apps to easily let users sign in using Google as their social connector. This guide walks you through the process of setting up the connection between Scalekit and Google, and using the Scalekit SDK to add "Sign in with Google" to your application.

Overview Diagram

A diagram showing "Your Application" connecting to "Scalekit" via OpenID Connect, which links to Google using OAuth 2.0.

By the end of this guide, you will be able to:

  1. Set up an OAuth 2.0 connection between Scalekit and Google
  2. Scalekit SDK to add "Sign in with Google" to your application

Connect Google with Scalekit

Navigate to Social Login settings

Open your Scalekit dashboard and navigate to Social Login under the Authentication section.

Scalekit dashboard showcasing social login setup with various platform integration

Scalekit dashboard showcasing social login setup with various platform integration options.

Add a new Google connection

Click the "+ Add Connection" button and select Google from the list of available options.

Add social login connections: Google, Microsoft, GitHub, GitLab,

Add social login connections: Google

Configure OAuth settings

The OAuth Configuration details page helps you set up the connection:

  • Note the Redirect URI provided for your app. You'll use this URL to register with Google.
  • Client ID and Client Secret are generated by Google when you register an OAuth App. They enable Scalekit to authenticate your app and establish trust with Google.

Get Google OAuth Client Credentials

  1. Open the Google Cloud Platform Console. From the projects list, select an existing project or create a new one.

  2. Navigate to the Google Auth Platform's overview page.

    • Click Get Started and provide details such as app information, audience, and contact information. Complete the process by clicking Create.
  3. On the "Overview" page, click the Create OAuth Client button to start setting up your app's OAuth client.

  4. Choose the appropriate application type (e.g., web application) from the dropdown menu.

  5. Copy the redirect URI from your Google Social Login configuration and paste it into the Authorized Redirect URIs field. The URI should follow this format (for development environment): https://[YOUR_ENV_ID] .

  6. Save and Retrieve Credentials: Click Save to finalize the setup. You will be redirected to a list of Google OAuth Clients. Select the newly created client and copy the Client ID and Client Secret from the additional information section.

  7. Enter Credentials in Social Login Configuration: Paste the copied client credentials into their respective fields on your Google Social Login page.

  8. Click Test Connection to simulate and verify the Google Sign-In flow.

  • Explore options like branding, audience, clients, and data access to customize your OAuth consent screen for your application's needs.
  • Ensure your app's verification status with Google is complete before enabling social login features for users to ensure trustworthiness.

For more details, refer to Google's OAuth Guide.

Configure OAuth

Google OAuth configuration in Scalekit, showing redirect URI, client credentials, and scopes for social login setup.

  • Use the Redirect URI from Scalekit as the Callback URL in Google's setup
  • Copy the generated Client ID and Client Secret into the Scalekit Dashboard

After completing the setup, click "Save Changes" in Scalekit for the changes to take effect.

Google OAuth configuration for social login, showing redirect URI, client ID, and scopes for

Google OAuth configuration for social login, showing redirect URI, client ID, and scopes for authentication.

Choose the user experience for login prompt

Scalekit offers flexibility to control how and when users are prompted for reauthentication, consent, or account selection. Below are the available options for customizing user sign-in behavior:

  • Auto Sign-in (default): Automatically completes the login process without showing any confirmation prompts. This is ideal for single Google account users who are already logged in and have previously provided consent.

  • Consent: The authorization server prompts the user for consent before returning information to the client.

  • Select Account: The authorization server prompts the user to select a user account. This allows a user who has multiple accounts at the authorization server to select amongst the multiple accounts that they may have current sessions for.

  • None: The authorization server does not display any authentication or user consent screens; it will return an error if the user is not already authenticated and has not pre-configured consent for the requested scopes. You can use none to check for existing authentication and/or consent.

Test the Connection

Click the "Test Connection" button in Scalekit. You will be redirected to the Google Consent screen to authorize access. A summary table will show the information that will be sent to your app.

Test connection

Test connection success, showing the consent screen and summary table.

Next steps

Once the connection is set up, refer to our Quickstart guide to learn how to integrate this connection into your app using the Scalekit SDK.

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